Hello At 7 pm on November 2nd will be a zoom call to discuss rail policy priorities in Vermont for 2022. We'll have several speakers and hope to create an engaging discussion. I hope to see you there. Please mark your calendar. The zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85790057237?pwd=TmUyZVZUYXpsZEhaUnl4MDBmM0dmdz09 Meeting ID: 857 9005 7237 -- Passcode: 983395 Dial in: +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) We expect to cover: - Extension of Ethan Allen to Burlington - Extension of Vermonter to Montreal - Potential for commuter rail - Marketing the trains - 286k weight limit for freight - The national context of infrastructure investment And all your thoughts See you (virtually) November 2nd |