Schedules for Amtrak Trains serving Vermont

Amtrak Train Schedules showing times at all stations:

Vermonter Timetable
Ethan Allen Timetable

To see fares and make the required reservation, use the Amtrak website (or call 1-800-USA-RAIL)

Ethan Allen Schedule and Vermonter schedule are created by star volunteer Dan Peacock

Train Stations In Vermont

Details about station services and locations:

Vermonter Stations
Ethan Allen Stations

Vermont TransLines bus Timetable

Schedule showing Vermont TransLines times at all stops
(Burlington – Rutland – Bennington – Albany, making Amtrak Connections in Albany)

Buy tickets from Amtrak for through tickets with Amtrak trains including the Vermont TransLines bus.

Local Bus Transit

Go! Vermont’s handy Local Routes finder tool to see what routes offer the right connections from your train station to your destination.

For bus connections into or out of Vermont, Go! Vermont’s City-to-City Routes finder tool will help you identify the most convenient option.

Taxi, Lyft, Uber

Service varies depending on location.  Local taxis will often meet trains at scheduled Amtrak stops. To ensure availability of a taxi upon arrival, research options at your destination & arrange your ride in advance, if possible.

If you’re planning on using a ride-hailing service such as Lyft or Uber, you should know that availability varies across our rural state.  Your best bet is to research these options before arrival, and (if available in that area) use Amtrak’s onboard wifi service to summon your ride BEFORE you disembark.

Vermont Rail System Passenger Train Timetables:

Dinner Train from Burlington
Scenic Train Rides
Fireworks Train to Burlington
Charter a Train


Airport Links from Amtrak Vermonter