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You will want to make sure you don’t miss these upcoming rail events.
I’ll be speaking at a SIERRA CLUB FORUM Wednesday evening DECEMBER 15TH AT 7:00PM and I’d love to have you in the audience. I’m planning on laying out THE CASE FOR INVESTING IN RAIL TO LOWER OUR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. For example did you know that an average trip to New York has the same impact as two weeks of driving to work? Or that moving freight by rail uses only 1/3 the energy (and thus pollution) as by truck? It’s free, but RSVP REQUIRED at railvermont.org/civicrm/?civiwp=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/mailing/url&u=416&qid=35085
A big thanks to the Sierra Club for supporting rail and sustainable transportation in general. I’m very pleased to work with them.
The next meeting of the VTrans VT RAIL ADVISORY COUNCIL will be on DECEMBER 16TH, 2021, 1:00 – 3:00 PM. The hybrid-live meeting will be at the Dill building, 2178 Airport Rd, Barre, VT, and online, with Microsoft Teams. I always learn something from the updates at this session. Click here to join the meeting [4]
The NEXT VRAN ZOOM SESSION WILL BE TUESDAY JANUARY 4TH AT NOON. We will focus on MARKETING our Amtrak trains, learning from successful efforts in other states. Confirmed speakers (so far) include NATALIE BOGART, MARKETING DIRECTOR FOR THE DOWNEASTER (which doubled its ridership since inception) and JIM MATHEWS, CEO of the national RAIL PASSENGERS ASSOCIATION and former chair of Amtrak Customer Advisory Committee.
Also of note: The Transportation Advisory Committee of the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission is meeting December 7th, 9-11am. The transportation Advisory Committee of the Windham Regional Commission meets Monday December 13th at 4pm (and 2nd Monday’s generally).
Thanks for putting these in your calendar, especially that January 4th event right after we all come back from the holidays.
Wishing you the best,
Christopher Parker Executive Director
(802) 536-4607 railvermont.org/civicrm/?civiwp=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/mailing/url&u=413&qid=35085
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PO BOX 6094 RUTLAND, VT 05702-6094 United States
Links: —— [1] railvermont.org/https://railvermont.org/civicrm/?civiwp=CiviCRM&q=civicrm%2Fmailing%2Funsubscribe&reset=1&jid=147&qid=35085&h=68e142c06679536e [2] railvermont.org/https://railvermont.org/civicrm/?civiwp=CiviCRM&q=civicrm%2Fmailing%2Fview&reset=1&id=84&cid=8414&cs=ae129ea3f7b6c87305ad62433793252e_1638463796_168 [3] railvermont.org/civicrm/?civiwp=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/mailing/url&u=413&qid=35085 [4] railvermont.org/civicrm/?civiwp=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/mailing/url&u=414&qid=35085 [5] railvermont.org/civicrm/?civiwp=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/mailing/url&u=415&qid=35085 [6] railvermont.org/civicrm/?civiwp=CiviCRM&q=civicrm%2Fmailing%2Foptout&reset=1&jid=147&qid=35085&h=68e142c06679536e